The AQHRA is pleased to provide a strong stallion stakes program. Its purpose is to provide additional racing opportunities and incentives for foals sired by Alberta based stallions.  The 2023 breeding season is fast approaching and we encourage you to enroll your American Quarter Horse or Thoroughbred stallion in the Alberta Quarter Horse Racing Association’s Stallion Stakes Program.  Last year this program delivered total purses for trials and finals just over $85,000; it offers a futurity, derby and maturity.  The program is an ongoing effort to enhance and nurture the American Quarter Horse race horse breeding industry in Alberta.  In addition, American Quarter Horse foals born in Alberta and “Accredited AB-Bred” by the AQHRA, are eligible for ‘foaled in Alberta” incentives. This Breed Improvement program funding in 2022 totaled $70,215 (combined owner/breeder/stallion). 

The rules/conditions for this program are as follows: 

  1. The registered owner(s) or Lessee(s) of the stallion must be a member (single or family, and other as required) of the AQHRA.
  2. Submit completed Alberta Stallion Stakes Sire nomination form.
  3. Stallions must stand in a western Canadian province (BC, AB, SK or MB) consecutively between April 1 and July 1 of the breeding season year.
  4. An annual fee of $200 per stallion per year is required to nominate the stallion. The fee must be postmarked or timestamped on or before May 1st of the breeding season year. (Rule takes effect from approval date Jan 12, 2023)
  5. Foals have to be born in Alberta to be eligible to participate. AQHRA recommends that all owners foal their mares in Alberta to take advantage of the “foaled in Alberta” owners/breeders bonus incentives.
  6. It is the responsibility of the stallion owner/lessee to notify the AQHRA in writing if the stallion becomes deceased, is no longer breeding or changes ownership.
  7. Death of Nominated Stallion: immediately following the year of the stallion’s death and should frozen semen be available for use, the stallion owner may continue to enroll in the Alberta Stallion Stakes program for up to two consecutive calendar years. (Rule takes effect from approval date Dec 16, 2020)
2027 Stallion Stakes  Sires Nominated in 2024

A Mere GhostKen McFarlane306-321-4669Hanley, SK
A VeryGood MoonshineCliff Whitelock780-542-2152Drayton Valley, AB
BD CruiserTom Kenway306-380-3878Warman, SK
Cowboy 109Amanda Melnick306-331-9395Fort Qu’Appelle, SK
Dashin by AllTom Pick306-421-9662Flying C Vet Services, SK
First Corona HomeShirley Laczo780-514-9619Winfield, AB
First Down DaddyDel Gehring403-601-6916Nanton, AB
First Down LeavingIsaak Fehr406-450-2484Taber, AB
First TimberWesley Oulton403-556-7299Olds, AB
Goldin WarriorIsaak Fehr406-450-2484Taber, AB
Hoosier ChickSazwan Speed Horses780-882-6265Beaverlodge, AB
Im Da BossDoug & Carol Schaffer403-362-0664Bassano, AB
Ivory GripsColin & Barb McNiven403-793-1699Cessford, AB
Ivory LeagueRalph Danard780-910-5120Parkland County, AB
JB Runaway FameJames Butterfield403-809-2086Irricana, AB
JD Wagon BossBuckey Stockwell403-703-6516Camrose, AB
Jess too BlueGiroux Family Farm and Performance Horses306-460-8761Red Deer County, AB
Jets Honored BullyKatie Vinson780-740-3663Brule, AB
Lethal and FirstCody Wolbeck780-781-0902Heisler, AB
Miracle RecoveryRalph Danard780-910-5120Parkland County, AB
Noble RearingJerry Stojan780-518-5696Sexsmith, AB
No HesitationSazwan Speed Horses780-882-6265Beaverlodge, AB
Obsessed with CoronaRalph Danard780-910-5120Parkland County, AB
Sekret AgentmanAlison Low403-738-0369Bluffton, AB
Special Looki WagonBillie Bird780-926-6097Waskada, MB
Three Ten To Yuma BRalph Danard780-910-5120Parkland County, AB
Vinny Van GoBillie Bird780-926-6097Waskada, MB
Western MoonshineCliff Whitelock780-542-2151Drayton Valley, AB

Published April 22, 2024

© 2020 Alberta Quarter Horse Racing Association

Photo Credit: Coady Photo: Ctd, Ctm, Lbg, Watson's Foto Source, Helen Akerman, Julie Brewster